Titans #14-23, Blackest Night: Titans, Justice League of America: Cry for Justice, The Rise of Arsenal/Fall of Green Arrow

Man, this was tough. I knew that once I started the Titans series, I was going to hit a point where this team is put through the wringer several times over, something that would eventually lead to them breaking up, with several of them headed to the Justice League and a couple of them heading …

Continue reading Titans #14-23, Blackest Night: Titans, Justice League of America: Cry for Justice, The Rise of Arsenal/Fall of Green Arrow

The Raven Banner: A Tale of Asgard (Marvel Graphic Novel #15)

With #FantasyComicsMonth being this month, I held on to a number of things, one of which was this graphic novel, which was written by Alan Zelenetz and illustrated by Charles Vess. Being "A Tale of Asgard," it is set in the world of the Thor comics but does not feature Thor; in fact, he has …

Continue reading The Raven Banner: A Tale of Asgard (Marvel Graphic Novel #15)