Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (1984 ongoing) #12, 13, 14, 15, Special; (1987 miniseries) #1, 2

Amethyst has been on my "series to complete" list for quite a while now, ever since I bought the Showcase edition and discovered that it did not hold the entire run of the series. I thought that five issues and a special would be easy to find, especially since that comic is not that in …

Continue reading Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (1984 ongoing) #12, 13, 14, 15, Special; (1987 miniseries) #1, 2

It’s not emasculating. You just need to get over yourself.

So about a month or two ago, I'm starting to think about what I can do to better my journaling. My personal journal was turning into a long tome of complaining about myself as well as throwing my worries onto paper, and while that can be healthy, I found that it was also overwhelming anything …

Continue reading It’s not emasculating. You just need to get over yourself.