H1/Humanoids Ignition (FCBD 2019), Ignited #1-10

Back in 2019, Mark Waid and a bunch of other creators re-launched Humanoids, an independent publisher that had been around since the 1970s and had once been the publisher of Heavy Metal and other magazines and creator-owned comics. This was a push for creator-owned superhero books, and the "event" that got it started was 2019's …

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Uncollecting Update May 2023

As always, let’s start with the numbers … Physical Comics Read:  45 (146/260)Digital Comics Read: 0 (471/471)Trades/Graphic Novels Read: 1 (6/11)Books Read: 1 (114/123)Movies Watched: 6 (178/194)TV Series Watched: 1 (56/58)TV Seasons Watched: 2 (100/105)Podcast episodes remaining: 185 Compared to last month, this is significantly better, especially where comics and podcasts are concerned. Now, honestly, I went through my podcasts and both …

Continue reading Uncollecting Update May 2023