Personal Archaeology 15: The Book of Questions

By the time I was old enough to register who my great Aunt Frances was, she was an "old Italian woman" the way that many of my fellow "Italian-by-way-of-Brooklyn" connazionales would recognize from their own families. Short, bearing and incredible resemblance to both her sister Mimi and my grandfather John, Aunt Frances lived int he …

Continue reading Personal Archaeology 15: The Book of Questions

Uncollecting Update April 2021

As always, let’s get started with the numbers … Media consumed # (remaining/total)Physical Comics Read: 0 (7/399)Digital Comics Read: 2 (496/539)Trade Paperbacks/Graphic Novels Read: 8 (28/40)Books Read: 3 (118/170)Movies Watched: 2 (104/143)TV Shows Completed: 1 (34/38)Podcast Episodes Remaining: 145 April, as it was this year, seemed to get away from me very fast. I was thinking about why this morning and I believe that a lot of it has …

Continue reading Uncollecting Update April 2021