Fighting the Independents, 7/18/19-7/24/19

And now we come to early Nineties Image Comics. Granted, we've been here before because I've mentioned Brigade, but what I decided to do this time around was grab all of the early Image books that were in my independent comics longbox and read through them.  Whomever owned these comics before me seemed to like …

Continue reading Fighting the Independents, 7/18/19-7/24/19

Fighting the Independents, 7/14/19-7/17/19

I'm throwing all of these away, so the answer to the running question, Keep, Sell, Donate, or Trash?, is trash.  That's not to say that all of these are bad reads--in fact, some of them are fairly interesting--but none of them were worth holding on to the individual comics.  I will say, though, that I …

Continue reading Fighting the Independents, 7/14/19-7/17/19