The Uncollecting Update May 2024

As always, let’s start with the numbers …

Physical Comics Read: 1 (31/42)
Digital Comics Read: 7 (464/471)
Trades/Graphic Novels Read: 1 (0/0)
Books Read: 3 (83/101)
Movies Watched: 2 (191/194)
TV Series Watched: 0 (49/49)
TV Seasons Watched: 0 (94/95)
Podcast Episodes Remaining: 118

Every month, the eternal battle with unlistened to podcast episodes continues, especially since I keep picking up new series that already have a ton of episodes associated with them and let older ones sleep for a little while. Anyway.

As we head into the first weekend and June and I’m just about to get on summer break (the last day of school is this coming Friday), I’m going to take some time to adjust my lists and counts, making sure that the comics and books I want to read and movies and TV shows I want to watch are accurate as well as purging those things that aren’t worth holding onto. Right now I have two huge bags of books that are going to go to the library. And I plan on adding some DVDs to that.

Plus, my comics count is way off. I’ve been deliberately not adding certain titles to my spreadsheet because I was waiting to complete them. Now that I have completed at least one of those runs, I’ll be doing so. Of course, it’s a Conan comic and I plan on reading those all the way through in September for #FantasyComicsMonth, but I guess that’s something to look forward to. And I’ve gotten back into reading the second DC Star Trek series on my iPad. I have a ton of Trek books to go, but being able to knock one or two of those out (alongside my working through the Legion of Super-Heroes on DC Infinite) has been a nice diversion when I’m not interested in the pile of books I have as well as need to do something other than scroll on Reddit. I’ll do some review of them probably when I actually finish the series (or at least hit a point where I want to do a review).

We’re not halfway through this year yet. That will come at the end of June. But with the summer vacation coming up, I feel that this is a good time as any to take some stock and make a list of what I’d like to accomplish in the coming months. That will earn its own post at some point, so for now I’ll just keep going.

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